Make the jump idiom
Make the jump idiom

I suppose if it pays off it can be changed to "preemptive action", words are funny like that. I'm glad the article puts the potential positive benefits of "jumping the gun" into perspective here. Idioms for Make The Jump (idioms and sayings about Make The Jump). Makes me wonder how this could come to mean something positive? I guess that language has a life of its own. In track where the expression originates, anyone who jumps the gun is either disqualified or cheating. Its also funny to think that this particular idiom could take on a positive connotation. When you mentioned preemptive action my mind went immediately to the war in Iraq which obviously has not worked out so well. I bet firefighters don't like jokes about fire. Similarly, if someone were to say, I cant believe I have to jump through all. Now, when anyone says it, I can't help but think of starting to soon and blowing a race even if someone mentions it in a context that is totally different. Idioms are groups of words that only make sense when they are interpreted. Its probably because I am too close to the source material. I am a former 100M dash runner and the phrase "Jump the gun" has always gotten under my skin. I always loved that line even if I'm not totally sure what it means! Learning to use common idioms and expressions will make your English sound more native, so its a good idea to master some of these expressions. Whenever I hear the phrase "Jump the Gun" I think of that line from the Beatles song Happiness is a Warm Gun, "Mother Superior Jump the gun" that they sing over an over so strikingly. Make The Jump synonyms - 26 Words and Phrases for Make The Jump.

Make the jump idiom